• Welcome to Small Batch Cocktail; a family run business with the taste for Hand Crafted Cocktails.

    A lot of people ask me; “What made you start the business?”

    During the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020, we (my wife and I) started to supply readymade batch cocktails to the local community as we knew people were finding it tough, not being able to go out and we all had some time on our hands.

    Using skills I have gained over a long period of time working a some of the best Bars and Hotels around the World, what we didn’t realise was that it would take off the way it has.

  • How It Started

    As we were all shielding during lockdown (as my daughter is a Leukaemia survivor) we decided to try and see if people would be interested. We bought 150 bottles, made some cocktails, stored them in the fridge and they sold out very quickly. The problem we then faced with was that we needed more bottles… and quick!

    The only place that sold the bottles we needed for the orders we had was in Newcastle! So I decided to get up at 3am, drive to the North East and collect them, return to Stoke-on-Trent, ready for the dispatch deadline.

    The next step was looking at larger quantities of bottles. We knew that ordering 4,000 bottles on a pallet was a risk bit we so glad we took that risk. We are thankful we did because we have a 5 pallets of bottles now being delivered every week!

  • The Next Step on Our Journey

    Things were going from strength to strength and people were loving our cocktails. with over 25,000 social media followers, and a big demand for wholesale / trade.

    Who would have thought that in a matter of months, we now have an ambition to see our brand of cocktails as a nationwide best seller and on the shelves of the pubs, clubs and restaurants across the UK? from a kitchen side to a state of the art factory with a shop attached.

    All started by taking a gamble using our overdraft facility to buy a pallet of bottles for £800 as we were both out of work due to the Pandemic.

    We work as a great team together fulfilling and managing orders along with our intense marketing strategy to help grow the business. We have also now employed others to help the business grow.

    We have also just moved into a 10,000sqf state of the art Factory with an onsite shop. So here we have it, our brand is popular, people are loving our cocktails and things are heading into a whole new era for Small Batch Cocktail.

We are thankful for the support we have received, and long may this continue.

Just remember… cocktails are a few clicks away, and we would love to get your feedback. We will also keep everyone up to date with how the journey is going! If you follow our social channels we put updates here daily.

Hard work, tunnel vision and a mind set you're not going to fail.

Small Batch Team